From the washroom-office to the refuge-office: how our workspaces can heal us.
The Future at Work
June 12, 2024

This week, Adrien Pouillot, a sociology graduate and strategic planner at Factory, speaks for Maddyness to explain how the office can become an ally for our mental health.
The key, as often, is to focus on usage and friction points, such as noise, which generate stress and aggression.
It is also about creating spaces that facilitate concentration at a time when we are increasingly facing attention difficulties. And when design takes into account the most atypical profiles, it benefits everyone.
Moreover, it is important to think of spaces as facilitators of connections, because isn’t that the main reason we go to the office?
In short, a topic as vast as it is crucial for all those interested in the office of tomorrow.
The full article published (in French) on June 11, 2024, is available on the Maddyness website.
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